In our assignment that will span three months (August-October 2011) my business entrepreneurship students will work towards making a difference to micro business owners in Pune City.
The assignment includes a series of tasks:
- Identification of one micro business owner in Pune city such as a vegetable vendor, flower seller, small vendors selling snacks on a cart, doorstep vendors, people selling goods at traffic signals.
- Working with this vendor over 3 months (Aug-Oct 2011) to help him/her/them overcome their business problems
- Talking to the vendor and listing down his or her problems
- Working together with him/her to find viable solutions to overcome those problems
- Monitoring the results of your suggestion and solutions
Methodology: Making a short film on the background of the vendor by getting him or to talk about himself/herself. The film should include clippings of a day in his/her life. Before and after responses (relating to problems and solutions suggested by you).
You can make this film on your mobile (as a video) or shoot in on a handy cam (just to validate what you say).
A written report on the project to be submitted by each student in November 2011