
Monday, January 23, 2017

Why Study Influential Advertisers and Influential Advertising Campaigns?

Why Study Influential Advertisers and Influential Advertising Campaigns? A question that must have definitely come to the mind of my students when I decided that was what we would be doing in class through December, 2016. 

Why Not? Was my way of answering that question.  

The syllabus we have for the Advertising Management paper lacks depth and content not to forget a contemporary twist.  As my students would probably enter the work force after graduation or choose to study further, I felt that no employer will ask them things like- what is the definition of advertising or what are the advantages and disadvantages of print/audio/audio-visual media?  

Too basic and trivial in my opinion.  But that is exactly what the third year syllabus comprises of and I want to empower my students to know a thing or two about the nitty-gritty of advertising.  I want to sensitize them to advertising in such a way that no matter what they see be it a hoarding, print ad or TVC that they look at it critically, examine it, learn from it, appreciate it/criticize it and remain students of advertising for a long time.

With this end in mind I zeroed in on studying Influential Advertisers and Influential Advertising Campaigns.  Which campaigns were known to be high impact and memorable? Who were the creative geniuses who masterminded these campaigns? As an advertising student, definitely some things I would really like to know. 

So here’s what I devised:

I would share Influential Advertising Campaigns and my students would share information on Influential Advertisers.

The result was a whole lot of reading and preparation on both sides, all of us were learning, students and me….it became our journey of discovery and sharing.

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